Hey! I’m Krista. 

A world without imagination is like a world without color. Allow your imagination to take you on the best adventures you can imagine!

Be in the Know!

Krista is currently working on several children’s books and a memoir about her infertility/adoption process. Be the first to know when they are available for purchase by signing up for the newsletter below!

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About the Author

Krista Nelson enjoys telling stories and has decided to write children’s books. She enjoys helping kids and loves writing about her dogs, Rosie and Bobo, and her daughter, Annie. Krista enjoys running, traveling, and camping with her family. 


Children’s Books

Krista is known for her fun and adventurous children book series, Rosie & Bobo. She often adds stories to the series. SHOP BOOKS.

Works in Progress

Krista is currently working on a book illustrating her journey with infertility and adoption! If you want to know when it is released, sign up for the newsletter above!



Find Krista on YouTube as  “Story Time With Krista and Annie” to listen to story time with your kiddos!


Have an idea for a story for our podcast?

Contact us here to share it and we might just pick your idea!